Let’s    Play      Ball!!

This non-profit organization offers seniors (50+ men, 40+ women) an opportunity to participate in an organized, non-contact sport for physical fitness and social activity. A person is eligible if they reach the minimum age anytime during the year. THCSSL especially welcomes women to sign-up and play on an equal basis as the men.

What is it? A slow-pitch softball league for players of all skill levels. Everyone who signs up is guaranteed playing time. Playing rules are based on Senior Softball USA (SSUSA) tournament rules (non-coed), with local exceptions as stated under Playing Rules.

Where is it? All games and practices are at the new Sports Complex on Holdsworth Ave. in Kerrville.

When is it?  2025 games will be played on Tuesday evenings starting April 1st.

What does it cost? $150 per player. This fee includes your jersey and cap. All balls and pitcher’s face mask/helmets provided by the league.